東京交響楽団 新音楽監督にジョナサン・ノットが就任

ジョナサン・ノット メッセージ





“I first conducted the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra in October 2011 and it was immediately clear that there was an enormous rapport. The morning after the final performance, actually on the way to Narita airport, I received the invitation to take up the post of Music Director and I accepted without hesitation. What appealed to me most about making music with this orchestra was the freshness of the players’ approach, their commitment to the spontaneity of live performance, and their dedication and sense of good humor in achieving these goals. My work with the Orchestra begins in April 2014 and comprises four extended periods each year. I am delighted to be given this opportunity to share in Japan’s extraordinarily rich musical culture, a culture I was immediately taken by on my very first visit a decade ago now. And what a wonderfully inspiring concert-going public! Of course, sharing through communication is the raison d’être of every musician, and so, together with the Orchestra and with the entire repertoire at our disposal, I am very much looking forward to meeting our audiences in all our venues and experiencing and sharing this music with them.” – Jonathan Nott