東京交響楽団 新音楽監督にジョナサン・ノットが就任

ジョナサン・ノット プロフィール

ジョナサン・ノットは2014 年度シーズンから3年間の任期で東京交響楽団音楽監督に就任する。

1962 年イギリス生まれ。ケンブリッジ大学で音楽を専攻し、マンチェスターで声楽、フルート、指揮を学んだ。ドイツのフランクフルトとヴィースバーデン州立歌劇場で指揮者としてのキャリアをスタートし、オペラ作品に意欲的に取り組んだ。1997 年にルツェルン交響楽団首席指揮者、2000 年にはアンサンブル・アンテルコンタンポランの首席指揮者を務め、さらに2000 年からドイツ・バンベルク交響楽団の首席指揮者に就任。2010 年、同オーケストラとのCD「マーラー交響曲第9 番」を世界で権威あるフランスのMidem 音楽賞最優秀交響曲作品賞受賞へ導き、オーケストラの知名度を一躍広めた。

バンベルク響とは北米、南米、中国、日本、ザルツブルク音楽祭、BBC プロムス、エジンバラ音楽祭等、世界中で定期的にツアーを行うほか、2006 年からはベルリン芸術週間にも定期的に出演し、バードウィスル、ノーノ、ブーレーズの「プリ・スロン・プリ」、フェルドマンなどの現代音楽作品を演奏している。バーデン=バーデン祝祭劇場ではマーラー・チクルスシリーズを立ち上げた。2007 年には、ルツェルン音楽祭のアルティスト・エトワール(招待スター演奏家)に選ばれ、ワーグナー<ラインの黄金>を指揮した。古典から現代曲まで幅広いレパートリーと抜群のプログラミングセンスを持つノットは、その多岐にわたる活躍が評価され、2009 年バイエルン文化賞が贈られた。

ベルリン・フィル、ニューヨーク・フィル、シカゴ響、ロサンゼルス・フィル、フィラデルフィア管、ロイヤル・コンセルトヘボウ、バーミンガム市響、チューリヒ・トーンハレ、ライプツィヒ・ゲヴァントハウス管、サンタ・チェチーリア管など世界一流オーケストラと数多く共演。2011 年1 月のザルツブルク音楽祭モーツァルト週間でウィーン・フィルを指揮、ソリストにポリーニを迎えた演奏会は絶賛された。

ルツェルンとベルンの音楽院、マドリッドのソフィア王妃高等音楽院で後進の指導をするほか、バンベルクでもアカデミーを設立した。2009 年にはマーラー・ユース・オーケストラを率いて、ヨーロッパツアーを行った。またバンベルクで開催される「マーラー国際指揮者コンクール」も統括している。


Jonathan Nott is to be Music Director of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra in the 2014 season.

Jonathan Nott has been Principal Conductor of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra since 2000, lifting the Orchestra to a prominence acknowledged by their winning of the Midem Award for the best symphonic recording (of Mahler 9) of 2010.

Over the past decade, Jonathan has earned the trust of both the Orchestra and the Bamberg audiences, leading them into more challenging programming, combining contemporary music with the traditional, whilst giving new insight into standard repertoire. 10% of the Bamberg population are subscribers to the concert season.

Since his appointment, Nott has toured regularly with the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, visiting the USA, South America, China, Japan, the Salzburg Festival and the BBC Proms. Since 2006 he has regularly taken Orchestra to the Berliner Festwochen, performing major works by Birtwistle, Nono, Boulez’ pli selon pli and, in 2011, Feldman. He also established a Mahler cycle at the Festspielhaus in Baden Baden. In 2007, Jonathan was artiste etoile at the Lucerne Summer Festival which included a performance of Wagner’s Das Rheingold. In 2013, he returns to Lucerne to mark Wagner’s bi-centenary with concert performances of The Ring, the first time this has ever been performed at the Lucerne Festival. He also achieved much acclaim for his five-concert residency at the Edinburgh Festival in 2003, and returned there for the two closing concerts with his Orchestra in September 2012.

Jonathan frequently guest conducts the world’s leading orchestras including the Berlin, New York and Los Angeles Philharmonics and the Royal Concertgebouw and Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestras. In January 2011, he returned to work with the Vienna Philharmonic at the Salzburg Festival and in December 2012, he will debut with the Staatskapelle Dresden.

During the 11/12 season, Jonathan went back to his home city for his debut with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and also returned to the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic and the Oslo Philharmonic. That season also marked his debut with the Orchestra of Santa Cecilia, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Tokyo Symphony and his critically acclaimed debut with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Jonathan is an inspiration to young musicians, working regularly with students at the Music Schools of Lucerne and Bern, and has recently created an academy in Bamberg. In 2009, he led the Mahler Youth Orchestra on a prestigious European tour in 2009.

Jonathan studied music at Cambridge University, singing and flute at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, and conducting in London. His career began working at the Frankfurt and Wiesbaden Operas where he conducted all the major operatic repertoire, including a complete Ring Cycle with Siegfried Jerusalem. During this time he began an enduring collaboration with the Ensemble Modern. From 1997-2002 he was Chief Conductor of the Luzern Symphony Orchestra and between 2000-2003, Principal Conductor of the Ensemble intercontemporain.

During his tenure in Bamberg, Jonathan has established their artist-in-residence series, resulting in extended collaborations with Vadim Repin, Truls Mǿrk and Pierre-Laurent Aimard and a fruitful partnership with Peter Schmidt, with whom he worked on Haydn’s L’isola disabitata. Jonathan also initiated and presides over their triennial International Mahler Conducting Competition, whose first recipient was Gustavo Dudamel.

Nott has a distinguished recording career. György Ligeti became one of his mentors and, with the Berlin Philharmonic, Jonathan recorded the composer’s complete orchestral works for Teldec. Under the Tudor Records label, he has amassed an award-winning discography of works by Mahler, Bruckner, Schubert and Stravinsky, recorded with his Bamberg Symphony Orchestra. Their latest release, in early 2013, will be Mahler Symphony No. 6, and some Wagner Orchestral Excerpts.