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  • 【ニコニコ東京交響楽団】マーラー「交響曲 第6番《悲劇的》」をノット監督のコメント返し付きで配信!


【ニコニコ東京交響楽団】マーラー「交響曲 第6番《悲劇的》」をノット監督のコメント返し付きで配信!

5月21日(日)名曲全集 第187回で演奏した、マーラー「交響曲 第6番《悲劇的》」について、寄せられた皆さまのコメントに対する監督のコメント返しを追加いたしました。どなたでも無料で視聴が可能です。皆様のご視聴をお待ちしております。





――hadn’t thought about that, but very cool idea!! Was thinking more of repetition, of the problem to solve, alone, in the middle of the night


――so this is the start of the Exposition. A big march built of 4-bar phrases, each one using different parts of the HIM-HER motifs. “we will win this battle; we will solve this problem”


――Up on the mountain the air is clear: the church bells in the valley are below, the cow bells are above. The bells give perspective, they give freedom: you can tell someone you love them more easily when everyday life has been left behind

Mr.Nott, which symphony of Mahler do you like the best and why?

――Difficult to say. 1 is about youth, 2 to 4 are about death. 5 to 8 are about love, and the 9th is about  finally saying goodbye to the beautiful things of being human.There is nothing more beautiful than love: the Andante of the 6th, and the second Nachtmusik of the 7th. But maybe the 8th? The entire symphony has the same key structure as the Andante of the 6th. In a strange way it is for me the most intimate: but that’s for another talk!! 


――OK. So Mahler wrote first zero, then 5, then 3 then 2 hammers (and then changed the orchestration of the missing last hammer). The conductor doesn’t choose: I took a huge liberty and wanted  to experience once what Mahler’s thoughts were when he wrote 5 hammers. I am totally convinced that the original order with the  Scherzo second has to be done because of the Beethoven 9 model. 5 hammers are no longer “Tragic”, instead they show  when the protagonist is forced to face huge problems from the external world. Look at hammer 1: at the start of the Finale we hear first the rising octave of “HIS” theme fused at last with the “Alma” theme. Then hammer 1 breaks that world like dropping a glass onto the floor: the problem of life, and in this case relationships and love, “hits us” in the face. At the end the protagonist cannot solve the problem, not today at least, but the trombones after the last hammer are espressivo, reach A major, are more Love than Death….



名曲全集 第187回




リゲティ:ムジカ・リチェルカータ 第2番(ピアノソロ=小埜寺美樹)

マーラー:交響曲 第6番 イ短調 「悲劇的」