
Subscription Ticket

Information on subscription tickets and Set Ticket

Regular membership ticket

What is a Subscriber?

A subscriber is a person who has purchased an annual subscription ticket (a series of tickets) of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra’s subscription concerts, Kawasaki subscription concerts, or Tokyo Opera City Series.
Subscribers can enjoy ‘same seats every time’ and ‘discounted prices’. Customers who purchase a subscription ticket are entitled to various benefits as a ‘subscriber’.

Subscription Concerts
Subscription Ticket
(10 concerts)

Kawasaki Subscription Concerts
Subscription Ticket
(5 concerts)

Tokyo Opera City Series
Subscription Ticket
(6 concerts)

About Corporate Subscriber


Seating Priority

Your reserved seats throughout the year is available. Enjoy the same seat every time.

Value tickets

This is a saving of around 30% compared to buying a single ticket. *Support members and TOKYO SYMPHONY VISA members receive an additional 10% discount.
*Student subscription membership ticket 50% discount

Seat continuity

Highest priority is given to the continuation of subscription tickets for the following year, change of seats and additions (in the same series).


Tickets for Tokyo Symphony Orchestra concerts are available from Pre-sales for TSO Members.


10% discount on single tickets for TSO concerts.
*Discounts cannot be combined with other discounts.
*Some concerts may not be qualified.

Date exchange

Only in the same month and program of TSO sole sponsorship concerts can be exchanged.

  • *Target concerts are limited to the first 30 seats (advance booking required)
  • *TSO will assign your seat of equal or lesser value.
  • – If there are no seats available in the same or lower price class and there are seats available in a higher price class, the difference (based on the price of a single ticket) will be paid and the tickets can be exchanged.
  • – If there are no seats available in the same fare class and you wish to change to a lower class, the difference will not be refunded.
  • – For details of the performances for which exchanges are available and the start date for accepting exchanges, please refer to the exchange information sent with your subscription ticket purchase or the information page for each concert in the annual brochure.
*The Masterpiece Classics Series and Niigata Subscription Concert are not applicable.

Student Subscription ticket

Student Subscription ticket 50% discount

Student Subscription ticket

Target group: from primary school to university

  • – 50% discount on the regular price of the subscription tickets. (Discounts cannot be combined).
  • – Tickets will be issued at the first concert venue (student ID required)”.

Corporate Subscription Member

Corporate Subscription Member ~Your company’s annual reserved seats to Tokyo Symphony Orchestra concerts~

Corporate Subscription Member

Your company can purchase your company’s annual reserved seats to Tokyo Symphony Orchestra concerts.
Use them as part of your employee benefits package, to entertain business partners, or as gifts for loved ones to keep your business running smoothly.


Your reserved seat for all concerts.

Please select your preferred series and seat type from three concert series. The number of seats you wish to reserve will be given priority as annual reserved seats.

Your company name in the concert brochure

This is a great way to promote your company as a supporter of the arts to visitors and the wider classical music community, helping to enhance your company’s image.

Value tickets

This is a saving of around 30% compared to buying a single ticket.

Set Ticket

The Masterpiece Classics Series Set Ticket

The Masterpiece Classics Series Set Ticket are available for 10 performances per year with the Annual Set Ticket, or for five performances in the first half of the year and five performances in the second half of the year. *TSO members do not receive a discount on Set Ticket.
*There are no discounts for TSO members or other benefits such as seat continuity for the following year with the purchase of The Masterpiece Classics Series Set Ticket. (Not the same as Subscription Ticket).

The Masterpiece Classics Series Set Ticket



044-520-1511 (Mon.-Fri. 10:00-18:00)