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  • Community Guidelines

Community Guideline

In order to better communicate with you, the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra has established the following community guidelines.

Community Guidelines.

  • Operation

    This account and page are operated by Tokyo Symphony Orchestra (“TSO”) and are used to provide information about performances and other activities.

  • Reply

    As a general rule, we do not reply to your comments and submissions. If you have any comments or questions about TSO, please visit the Contact Us section of our website and contact us.

  • Follow and Follower

    Our account does not follow all users who follow us. We may follow and retweet users even if they do not follow our accounts.

  • Personal Information

    All personal information collected on our accounts and pages will be handled appropriately in accordance with our Privacy Policy. However, please note that if you like or comment on an account, the sender’s account name and other information will be made available to third parties due to the nature of the function.

  • Notices

    1. TSO does not guarantee the accuracy or security of the information on this account or page. For official announcements, please refer to the website.
    2. TSO is not responsible for the content posted by users.
    3. TSO is not liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of the use or inability to use the account or site.
    4. TSO accepts no liability for any damage caused by problems between users or between users and third parties in connection with the account and the site.
    5. TSO reserves the right to change this policy at any time and without notice.
  • Prohibited

    In order to operate a healthy community, we basically do not delete your posts, but please refrain from the following content and actions. Please note that we may block your account or delete your posts if any of the following apply.

    1. Providing unpublished information
    2. Any act that causes damage to TSO, other users or other third parties, or any act of spoofing
    3. Defamation, invasion of privacy or damage to the reputation of TSO, other users or other third parties
    4. Infringement of the copyrights, portrait rights or other intellectual property rights of TSO, other users or other third parties
    5. Acts for the purpose of profit without the approval of TSO
    6. Acts that are intended to provide false information or induce or mislead
    7. Acts that prevent healthy discussion.
    8. Spamming
    9. inappropriate content, including obscene expressions, or content intended to incite criminal acts, or acts that provoke such acts
    10. Political, electoral, religious or similar activities
    11. Acts of providing information regarding the private sale or purchase of tickets
    12. Actions that offend against the law or public order and morals
    13. Actions unrelated to the purpose of this account and page
    14. Acts contrary to the terms of use of X, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
    15. Other acts that are deemed inappropriate by TSO